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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Tips to help you fight allergies.

Allergies can be genetic or environmental. Exposure to airborne allergens is a trigger. Although the symptoms may vary, they all have the same process. Building a strong immune system is another way to overcome allergies so that the body can fight allergens by taking care

How does frequent nail biting affect your health?

Nail biting may not be just a habit, especially. If you bite your nails regularly and cannot stop or control it. It may be consider a mental illness. In addition to this behavior having a negative effect on the appearance of your nails and personality.

Acai Berry is a fruit that has many health benefits

Taking care of your health is another trend that is coming on strong. And it’s not just a superficial trend. But it’s a long-term trend that is expect to gain more and more attention. One of the foods that is in the current health trend

Come see various style Bangs.

Bangs not only help you look cuter and younger, but they also go with any hair style, whether short or long. For anyone who is planning to cut bangs or already has bangs but is bored with the same old bangs, today we has ideas bangs

Probiotic-rich foods that we all know well!

Consuming probiotic can help balance the microflora in your digestive system, reduce inflammation, and boost your immune system. Adding these foods to your daily diet not only helps your digestive system function better, but also boosts your immune system and reduces inflammation in your body.

Hair combing techniques you should know, reduce hair loss

Combing your hair is a step that must done every day. Because if you comb your hair incorrectly or choose the wrong type of comb, it can easily have a negative effect on your hair. The problem of hair loss that many people encounter may not be