Tips to help you fight allergies.

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Allergies can be genetic or environmental. Exposure to airborne allergens is a trigger. Although the symptoms may vary, they all have the same process. Building a strong immune system is another way to overcome allergies so that the body can fight allergens by taking care of yourself, changing your lifestyle, cleaning, organizing your work area, living area, avoiding and eliminating allergens.

UFABET would like to recommend the following methods to help you fight allergies.

Change your routine: Allergens from dust mites, mold spores, pet dander, and pollen can stick to your body, clothing, or hair. So, building habits like taking off your shoes before entering the house, changing your clothes, and washing your hands or face as soon as you get out can help reduce your exposure to allergens. Instilling these habits in children in the home who are prone to allergies can also help reduce their risk of allergen exposure.

Clean the house: You should also avoid exposure to dust, starting with cleaning your bedroom, where you spend the most time in the house. Many dust mites can accumulate on your bed and other bedding. You should also wear a mask to cover your nose and mouth while cleaning.

Cleaning the body before going to bed: For those who suffer from air allergies. There are simple methods of treatment and prevention such as taking a bath. And washing your hair before going to bed at night. This is a method that will help prevent allergens stuck on the hair or skin from coming into contact with the mattress. An additional precaution is to blow dry your hair completely before going to bed. Otherwise, dandruff or fungus on the scalp may occur later.

Quit smoking: Smoking is a dangerous factor in exacerbating allergy symptoms. If you are exposed to second-hand smoke or smoke, it may be time to quit smoking. It is not only you who are affected, but those around you are also affected by smoking.

Carry allergy medication with you: Sometimes, preventing airborne allergies. With the above-mention hygiene methods may not be enough for some patients. Therefore, it is necessary to carry allergy medication with you. In case of an allergic reaction, you can take the prepar allergy medication immediately. And can go about your normal daily activities.